Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Bad Schussenried

(Yesterday: Tettnang-Ravensburg)

My travel mojo was absolutely not working today. I picked the wrong tickets, I picked the wrong vehicles, I picked the wrong destinations. Plus it was cold, blustery, and raining all day. I left Konstanz just one minute later than I had planned, and finally reached Bad Schussenried at 11:59am, an hour and forty-eight minutes late. At one point I got off the train at Aulendorf because my ticket made it look like I needed to change trains. Just as the train was leaving the station, I found the schedule which told me that all I needed to do was stay on the same train until the next stop. So I had a 50-minute wait until the next train came through. But I got there in the end.

The Schussenrieder Erlebnisbrauerei is a fairly large operation, much of which is visible through large windows on the brewery grounds. Their Gasthof comprises what seemed like eighty or ninety different rather large dining rooms, decorated in what Americans might call a "northwoods" style. On the next floor up, you'll find what's billed as "Germany's only beer stein museum", which really does house an impressive collection.

Brauerei Ott, Bad SchussenriedBeer Stein Museum at the Schussenrieder Erlebnisbrauerei
Schussenrieder PilsSchussenrieder Weiße
Beer steins, from the very large to the very smallThis seidel lid reads "Bier ist Gift!!": Beer is poison
A very small portion of the Beer Stein MuseumSeveral more "Bier ist Gift"
Playing cards (mainly Schafkopf) beer steins
Not a beer stein, but a fun bit of sculpture

The trip back to Konstanz didn't go any better than the morning's journey. Missed connections, long layovers, and poor planning kept me away from the hotel until 6:00pm. Just in time to catch Paris on her way to meet some colleagues at Brauhaus Johann Albrecht for dinner and beers. And of course, we followed that up with more beers at
zur steinernen Kugel, where Olaf took down his guitar and gleefully entertained us with some of his original songs. Great fun!

Brauhaus Johann Albrecht, KonstanzBierstube zur steinernen Kugel, Konstanz
Olaf sings!

One more beer (a Schöfferhofer Dunkles Weissbier) at the hotel bar, and presto! It's 1:00am already.

Bibliothek Bar at Hotel Halm, Konstanz

(Tomorrow: Ulm)

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