River North Hypothesis is in the book as tasting note number 9000!
(It's only beer #7550 due to duplication, but what the hell.)
...containing notes from beerme.com that don't seem to fit anywhere else.
River North Hypothesis is in the book as tasting note number 9000!
Well, I haven't posted much here since I became an unemployed brewer, but yesterday's homebrewing fiasco deserves a mention.
I just uploaded the newest version of the Beer Me! mobile app, version 1.6.0. If you've already purchased the app, you should get an automatic update in the very near future. If you haven't already purchased the app, what are you waiting for? It's available at Google Play.
I uploaded version 1.5.0 of the Beer Me!™ mobile app this afternoon. Thanks to Asian Bill's generous loan of a Samsung Galaxy, I was able to figure out the settings that needed changing so that the app would be available for tablet devices in Google Play.
So if you use an Android tablet, buy the app and let me know how it works!
I just uploaded the newest version of the Beer Me! app for Android devices. If you already have the app, you should receive version 1.4.1 automatically sometime soon. If you haven't purchased it yet, you can get it at Google Play for less than you probably spend on one beer.
Here's the changelog for version 1.4.1:
Changes in 1.4.1
- AND0057: IllegalArgumentException in com.beerme.android
- AND0064: ANR keyDispatchingTimedOut
- AND0058: Old location is used, even though GPS is working
- AND0074: android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException
- AND0075: Fix BeerList layout
See http://beerme.com/forum/index.php/board,20.0.html for details.
Some Beer Me! app users have reported problems with the app losing track of where they are, or not finding their location in the first place.
I have fixed, broken, fixed, and broken the location-finding code, but I'm pretty sure I'm on the right track now. I'll have it fixed and published as soon as I can — as long as my so-called real job doesn't interfere.
The next time the app updates, the fix will be included. Look for version 1.4.x sometime soonish.
Watch this thread for news: http://beerme.com/forum/index.php/topic,676.0.html
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Via the Brookston Beer Bulletin:
Last year, Brewmaster Mark Carpenter celebrated his 40th anniversary with Anchor Brewery. According to my notes, he started on September 30, 1971. During GABF, a film crew interviewed a number of us during some side events, and they put together this video that includes some luminaries from the craft beer industry. Congratulations Mark.
I've just found out about — and fixed — the problem with your updates not getting sent to me. It looks like anything sent after 9:30am CST on January 25 ended up in the bit bucket, so if you've tried to send anything in the past 3½ days, please send it again.
Thanks for all your help!
If this site would make some money, I'd hire a data-entry staff...
Beer Me! 20th anniversary commemorative t-shirts are now available at beerme.spreadshirt.com.
Visitor number 15,000,000 stopped by Beer Me just now!
At 2:47:28 PM CST, someone hit the site through the Amazon EC2 portal. I don't know who it was or what they were looking for, but I appreciate the support.
And thanks to the other 14,999,999 of you, too!
(I thought it was today, but it turns out it was yesterday.)
Twenty years ago, January 3, 1992, I started keeping notes on the beers I've tasted.
The first beer: Blitzen Barleywine, from the defunct La Jolla Brewing Company in California.
The notes in their entirety: "Light barleywine — good." OK, not the pinnacle of eloquence, but it was a start.
I remember this trip well; there was an annular solar eclipse at sunset on January 4, and I drove from San Leandro down to San Diego to see it.