Home from Omaha
Sorry for the delay. I acquired a severe case of imgettingtoodamnoldforthisitis toward the end of last week.
So, Thursday: some old friends at Farnam House and at Scriptown.
Friday: more old friends at Site-1 and more yet at NBC.
I won't bore you with the details of the beers, because you can look them up on my beer list. I figure I managed to put about 38 new beers on the list, and I probably had a dozen more that were more recreational in nature.
Saturday, we drove from Omaha to Grand Island NE to visit my dad. Thunderhead at the Chicken Coop, with a quick trip to Wine, Beer, and Spirits to stock up on stuff we can't get at home. Stuff like 20-odd beers, five bottles of whiskey, and a couple bottles of gin.
Sunday morning, back on the road home. Almost exactly 500 miles. But we made it home in time to watch the Sharks lose again. And in time for temperatures about 50 degrees colder than Nebraska, plus a few inches of snow.