Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Privacy policy

For some years now, I've been helping the Brewers Association maintain their brewery database by sending them copies of the updates that I receive. Lately, I've been working with to do the same.

Since they receive copies of the same form that I receive when you send me an update, they're also getting your email address. Both Erin Glass at the BA and Jonathan Surratt at have assured me that they will not use your contact information for any nefarious purposes.

The only time I'll use your address is to ask you for clarification on information that you've sent me. I might also send you a message if I think you can provide information that's relevant to my site. (For example, if you live in Bhutan, I might ask you if you have a list of Bhutanese breweries.) But I will not add your name to any mailing list*, and I won't send you anything unsolicited.

*In the event that I create a mailing list in the future, it will be subscription-only, not "opt-out", and you'll hear about it first here on the Forum, and not via unsolicited email.

To make this a bit more formal and reassuring, I've typed up an easy-to-read Privacy Policy that you can examine at

We now return to our regularly-scheduled beer-drinking.

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